Our next adventure had us moving from Seminyak to a Villa in Canggu which Noodles thought was just ‘too far out’. The pool was also a little dangerous for Lola so we abandoned that Villa and parted with $1750 to move closer in to the action. A little guesthouse that my bestie Verity swears by. We packed our bags, kids and pirate ship kite into a car and made the trip into the ‘better’ part of Canggu.
The guesthouse is a small complex of about 12 rooms with a pool in the middle. For $35 per night for the four of us it’s definitely set a standard on what we now want to pay for accommodation. We are happier to spend less on accommodation and more on experiences as we are really only using the room to sleep. Lola sleeps in the middle of us in what is the most uncomfortable bed in the world and Mila has her own mattress on the floor. The girls have been having fun playing with the families dog and forever on the hunt for their cat which you can spot in this blog's photo.
Mid way through our stay we got the news that the owner’s mum had passed away and we found ourselves right in the middle of an Indonesian funeral. Days of celebration and honouring the life that was. With endless traditional Indonesain food, chanting, bells, gongs, offerings and family everywhere it was quite the experience. Of course we were invited to eat with them although I wasn’t sure my belly was equipped for that level of Indonesian cooking yet.
Then it was my turn. I received some news that a really close client of mine lost her life to cancer. At 38 years old that fucking disease took her life. I spent an hour every week over the past two years with this beautiful soul. I cared for her and helped as much as I could through her healing journey but it wasn’t enough. I’d had the urge to check in with her and decided to message her partner instead only to hear the news that she had passed away in the early hours of the morning. It broke my heart speaking to her partner. I didn’t have much contact with him over the years but knew a lot about him and we both just held space for each other to cry. I was only with her a few weeks ago treating her and on that last cuddle as she left the clinic I felt that lump in my throat, not knowing if I’d ever see her again…and I won’t.
So as I lay there listening to the family inside mourn and honour their family member, I was laying in bed and did what I could to honour Bec. Even though I didn’t understand the chanting, bells and gongs I felt sad knowing that they were hurting too. It sounds so cliche to say that Bec is no longer in pain living with that awful disease because my times with her weren’t ever about how much pain she was in. It was about creating the next plan to fuck cancer off. It was laughing, sharing stories and becoming mates. It was coming up with different strategies and ideas around her treatment. Bitching about our husbands or the price of fuel. It was great and it’s the one side of my business that I don’t like. Losing people that I have held so much hope for.
If there is one message that I know Bec would have wanted me to spread it would be CHECK YOUR BOOBS. If there is anything that doesn’t seem right then push for further testing.
An immense amount of gratitude is now within me as I sit here on my laptop in my bathers and a towel, watching my whole world Noods, Mila and Lola playing in the water slides at Finns Recreation Park in Canggu. Knowing that this decision has been right for us even in the moments of unease that I’ve been feeling, or the moments of just wanting to go home. To create these memories is something that I will never forget and I will live every day for Bec. Knowing that she would have loved to be doing this but had that stolen from her.
Our days are filled with beaches, swimming, scooter rides and amazing food. We found the most epic set up at Finns Recreation Club. A place where Noods and I can hit the gym, have a sauna, a cold plunge, use their co working space while the kids go to the kids club and finish off with a massive play in their huge water park. Bali really has done so many things right.
Our next move is to head to Nusa Lembongan after Noods plays in the Bali Masters football competition this coming weekend. We don’t know how long we’ll be in Nusa Lembongan and are really loving the Canggu area so watch this space. Mila has been enjoying surf lessons with her dad and Lola just enjoys spending every minute with us. Now that most of our friends and family have left we are working out a work / play routine. Couple of hours work and plenty of hours of play. We are happy.
