Work Schmurk
I guess it’s time to address the elephant in the room. How will we actually fund the remainder of the year in Bali.
The problem with having jobs that tie you to a physical location is the fact that you are tied to a physical location and if you’re anything like me who cringes at the thought of a monotonous routine filled day then this is an issue.
One good thing that Covid brought us was the ability to work from home, or essentially anywhere in the world. This is our next challenge. Get jobs where we can move freely and work next to a pool if we want. The old 'laptop lifestyle'. Ha!
I loved the freedom with my clinic in that I could be where I wanted by just blocking my diary out, but to make money in a business model like the clinic you need to be physically present. The rebel in me saw another way and knew I needed to learn a new skill to essentially work the way I wanted – which is remotely.
Noodles has been actively building his portfolio and brand in the NFT space. If you don’t know what that is just google it. He landed himself in this Web3 world around two years ago and absolutely loves it. After listening to a podcast he started investing in art jpegs, it was nostalgic for him, taking him back to his basketball card trading days – but this time he was making more money. Our investments were going great and our nights at the dinner table soon became chats of what art he had purchased that day – who the hell was this man? We were in the middle of a bull market and people were paying ridiculous prices for the art but what goes up must come down and we are currently navigating through this bear market, collecting, trading, building and having some fun in the NFT space. We were still wrapped that we had entered this space so early and it was only a matter of time before our brains started pondering.
We came up with an idea. Start a business that works to onboard people into the space, help people develop the IP rights of their NFT’s and offer general consulting work in the industry. The idea of Neptune Consults was born. You can check us out here at
Businesses take a while to start though and there isn’t enough money coming in through it just yet to fund this dream of ours but watch this space as we have some things currently brewing.
Noods found himself heavily invested in a project called World of Women – funnily enough he is surrounded by women. Two sisters, two daughters and raised by a single mum. He now gets paid by them to do some work in the community, he hosts twitter spaces and is pretty much in his element outside of football. He talks art and markets all day and has made some really amazing virtual friends. The end goal – to get full time employment with World of Women which will tick many boxes, including the ability to work from anywhere.
Let’s talk about Imposter Syndrome. We all probably have it to some degree. Why would a Web3 company hire a builder? This is a major blockage for Noods and even though he knows so much about the industry he really struggles with this. Everything he does though he does well and it’s his mental strength, commitment to working hard and his focus on the end goal that will make this happen. I believe he can work in Web3 and I strongly believe he will.
Now to me. I always have ideas floating around in my head, so I decided to study again. I generally just go full throttle at everything which is another concern for me – how will I slow down? That’s for another blog.
So after looking for jobs that could be done remotely I decided to study to be a Product Manager. A job where it’s my job to see a product from start to end. A creativity outlet and something that would be useful for me because I have an actual product in mind that I’d like to create. It’s a big idea though and I’m trying to figure out if I have the energy for it. I gathered I could kill two birds with one stone, learn how to launch a product by studying to be a Product Manager. Nifty I know.
So currently while we are in Bali we will have some money flowing, will it be enough? No. One of us needs to have a remote based job before we leave the NT so the pressure is on. Can we do it is the question? Yes. It will happen. The idea is not to chew into anything we make from the sale of our house.
I don’t know if you believe in manifesting, visualizing your future or taking steps each day to make that dream a closer reality but I do. Dr Joe Dispenza talks about our ability to create our future purely through our thoughts and I feel I have done just that. Part of my daily routine is to complete a High Performance Planner that I found in Noodles office. Every day I start with a morning mindset and finish with an evening reflection. I write a lot, I create the future in my head, I visualize it and I take steps to achieve it. It’s almost like the more you can convince your brain that something is real, the sooner it will become real. Check his stuff out!
It’s scary being so open with it all but at least we’re having a crack and failure is only a lesson so I’m here for it all.
Here’s to Noodles working so that I can have the rest of the year not working. Yeoooow!
If you feel like sharing any of your thoughts just pop a comment below.
